Our sixth annual Writers Lab program took place October 1-4, and was entirely virtual.
When the pandemic closed in-person opportunities, it opened up the possibility of expanding inclusion and participation. And so we did.
In our sixth year, we doubled our participating mentor roster, engaging a total of 15 writers, directors, and producers. New to our family in 2020 were the incredible Rita Hsiao, Riva Marker, Tracey Scott Wilson, and Frida Torresblanco. All the mentors worked with our screenwriters virtually, but no less intensely and generously.
We again welcomed participants from beyond the US – 4 of 12 this year, across many time zones. We all pivoted to a new way of bonding, communicating, and supporting one another, and with the help of our tech-savvy staff, we built a rich 4-day experience. These writers left with a deadline for their next draft, and calendar of virtual meetings for the class, and plans for our next virtual gathering.
The 2020 writers

I now have a supportive cohort and mentors whom I still keep in touch with today.
Christine Hoang
TWL US 2020
The 2020 mentors
Industry Insights
In the 2020-21 season, women accounted for just 30% of creators of streaming programs, and 22% on broadcast network programs–which is down from the previous year.

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