Frequently Asked Questions – US
The Application
How do I apply?
- Click on the APPLICATION FORM.
- You will be routed to a TWL page on the Coverfly website. (Coverfly hosts this contest and you will need a free Coverfly account to submit. You will be able to restrict Coverfly contact to correspondence from The Writers Lab if you wish.)
- When prompted, upload your script as a PDF labeled with the project TITLE ONLY. DO NOT include the name of the screenwriter(s) ANYWHERE on the PDF.
- Complete all fields of the application and click the green SUBMIT box.
- Choose one of the options for our contest and add it to your cart.
- After you finalize payment and submission, you will receive a confirmation from Coverfly that you have successfully entered The Writers Lab contest.
Additionally, prior to submission, writers in the U.S. should register their script for copyright.
- Register your script with either The Writers Guild or the U.S. Copyright Office. Registration is quick and easy, and will protect you and The Lab’s staff and volunteers. (The Writers Guild of America, East, has offered the discounted price of $17 to Lab applicants who are not members of the Guild. Click HERE to register through the WGA. Choose the Student and NYWIFT/The Writers Lab option.)
- If you are entering from outside the U.S., please register your script with your local Writers Guild or U.S. copyright office. TWL also recommends THE SCRIPT VAULT for those outside the U.S.
What are the submission period and fees?
Submission windows and fee structures are below. Please note, there are no deadline extensions.
US Lab submissions are February 20th – April 4th, 2024. - FEES
Standard Entry — $65.00
Standard Entry with 1.5-page WeScreenplay Feedback — $150.00 - DISCOUNTS
Members of NYWIFT, WGAE, Film Fatales, and any other WIF organizations can use a discount code at checkout. Please ask your organization to share the Discount Code with you.
All membership claims will be verified with these organizations, and any falsified applications will result in disqualification.
What information will I need for the application?
- Basic contact and biographical information (name, email address, contact phone number, mailing address, birth date).
- Script log line and genre.
- Full-length narrative feature script, in PDF format, preferably no more than 130 pages long and/or pilots (preferably no more than 44 pages (half-hour) or 75 pages (hour-long). Script lengths beyond the number of pages listed will incur a per-page surcharge.
- Registration of your script with an appropriate copyright agency. (See “How do I Apply” above for further details.)
- Credit/Debit Card for payment.
Why must I register my script for copyright before applying?
We ask US writers to register your script to prevent infringement, which will protect your work as well as The Writers Lab staff and volunteers. It is a standard industry practice in the U.S. to register any professional script with the U.S. Copyright Office or The Writers Guild in your home area (U.S. citizens use WGA East or West) or with your country’s equivalent Writers Guild.
The WGA East has generously offered a discount to The Writers Lab applicants. (See “How do I Apply” above for further details.)
How many scripts can I apply with?
Writers may submit up to three (3) complete scripts. Each script requires a separate completed application, and a separate non-refundable application fee paid by credit card.
Can writing partners apply?
Yes. Both writers must meet eligibility requirements (See Eligibility Requirements section below). Please designate one writer as the primary contact/potential attendee, and list that writer first in the writing credits on the application.
What if I can’t pay by credit card?
You may pay by check. Please email us at to discuss the process.
What if I can’t afford the application fee?
Please email us at with “Proof of Need” in the subject line to discuss the process. You will need to provide proof of public assistance or SSI with your application.
Is it possible to submit an updated draft after I’ve applied?
Coverfly offers the option to upload a revised draft of your script after you have applied. Please be advised that once our evaluation process is underway your initial submission might have already been read by our evaluation team. If you are considering submitting a revision, keep in mind that our jurors are very experienced and thoughtful. A strong, carefully crafted script will stand out—even a script that needs work.
What if I can’t submit online? Can I deliver my application in person?
If you are NOT able to submit electronically, please email
Is it true that when you enter a contest late, your script doesn’t have a chance?
False! You might have heard that the judges get tired of reading, or the winners have already been chosen. Quite the opposite. Every submitted script is read—multiple times—with the same care and rigor. Our readers are paid for their work and are always eager to find talented writers and exciting projects.
Why do you charge an application fee?
We use application fees to pay our independent readers, who carefully evaluate hundreds of scripts, through multiple rounds. The contributions of our primary donors cover only the Lab Retreat.
Are there additional fees associated with attending the Lab Retreat?
Writers selected for the U.S. Lab are responsible for travel to and from New York City. The Writers Lab organization covers travel to the Retreat venue from New York City, as well as food and accommodations during the Retreat.
Should I have industry contacts call or e-mail with references?
Our final decision is based on the material alone. Your work will speak for itself.
How will I be notified about acceptance?
All Lab notifications will be made via email. You will hear from us, whether you place or not, on or before August 1, 2024.
I haven’t recieved notification about my acceptance, but I know others who have? Why is that?
Notifications may be made on a rolling basis. Final decisions will be made on or before August 1, 2024.
Am I eligible to apply?
The Writers Lab is open to women and non-binary writers over 40. We honor the fact that gender is personal and specific and seek to create an inclusive and supportive community. In addition, applicants must be 40 or over as of the first day of the Lab to which they are applying, and submit a completed narrative feature or pilot.
Why does the application ask for my birthday?
Your birthdate is necessary for us to confirm age eligibility, as outlined in the previous question.
I am an American living abroad. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes! Keep in mind that we do not cover transportation to/from New York City for selected writers.
I am not a U.S. citizen and/or live outside the U.S. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes! Citizenship and country of residence do not affect eligibility for the U.S. lab. However, your narrative feature script or pilot must be in English. Additionally, keep in mind that selected writers are responsible for their own travel to/from New York City for the Lab Retreat (and related passport/VISA requirements), and are expected to be in New York by the day before the Lab begins.
I live in a British Commonwealth country. Should I apply to the U.S. or the UK & I Lab?
The Writers Lab U.S. is open to ALL international applicants. Please see the previous question for information on travel and visa considerations.
Do I need to provide proof of birthdate, passport or visa with my application?
No, you do not need to submit these documents with your application. However, accepted writers will need to provide these documents in order to sign the Lab Contract, which finalizes acceptance.
I don’t have much experience. Does this affect my chances for acceptance?
Absolutely not. The Lab seeks to foster exciting voices, regardless of professional experience. However, The Lab does NOT teach screenwriting basics. Submissions must exhibit knowledge of screenwriting formatting, standards, technique and style.
The Script
Am I required to submit a full pilot or feature script/screenplay?
Yes. The Writers Lab requires submission of a FULLY COMPLETED script/screenplay.
Is there a correct length for a script?
While there is no correct length, features are generally between 80 and 130 pages; half-hour pilots are 22-44 pages; and hour-long pilots are 45-75 pages (depending on genre and other factors). Please note that feature screenplays longer than 130 pages, and pilots longer than 44 pages (half-hour) or 75 pages (hour-long), will incur a per-page surcharge to the application.
Are there any requirements regarding the software I use to write?
The Writers Lab has no software preference, as long as the script uses industry standard formatting, and is converted to a PDF before submission.
What file formats can i use to submit my script?
All scripts must be submitted as PDF files. All film industry professionals expect scripts in PDF format, so this is a good opportunity to format your script to industry standards.
Will you consider scripts not written in English?
Although your script may include other languages, the predominant language must be English. (Tip: Providing translation for passages in other languages can help, but we don’t recommend translating every non-English line, as doubling up can slow the pace, and is often unnecessary.)
Can I reapply with the same script as last year?
We welcome re-submissions, as long as the script has undergone a substantial revision that has addressed the following:
- Are all characters clearly introduced, established, and fully realized, with a defined need and arc?
- Is every line of dialogue necessary, either revealing character or moving the plot along?
- Are the descriptions well written, specific and succinct?
- Will this story speak to a wide audience?
- Is this story right for this Lab? Does it tell a story from a POV not generally seen, or for an underserved audience?
- Does the script follow standard formatting protocols? Has it been carefully proofread so that readers will not struggle with typos, long paragraphs, or confusing scenes?
Can i submit a script based on a book or an adaptation?
Yes, we will consider scripts based on prior works as long as you have secured the underlying rights to the material. We ask for proof of rights, in the form of a contact, e-mail, or letter, if your script reaches the Finalist level in the selection process.
Can I submit a treatment if i don’t think I’ll have a completed draft by the deadline?
No. The Lab is for completed feature and television pilot scripts only.
What does The Writers Lab consider complete?
While the Lab will consider scripts at various stages of development, the draft submitted must meet the following standards of completion:
- Scripts must be either feature-length polished drafts, in the 80-to-120 page range, OR polished pilots that are 22-44 pages (half-hour) or 45-75 pages (hour-long).
- We will not consider screenplay fragments, treatments, synopses, book excerpts, or stage plays.
- Scripts should show a strong understanding of screenwriting technique and style.
- Scripts should present a fully realized story, with an identifiable concept, world, characters and genre
Will my ideas be protected?
We will make all reasonable and customary efforts to protect your ideas. Additionally, we request that you copyright your submission. (Please see “Why must I register my script for copyright” under THE APPLICATION.)
Do you accept scripts that have been submitted elsewhere?
Yes. We have no restrictions on material that has been to, or developed through, other labs, workshops or programs.
The Lab Retreat
Who will attend the retreat?
Both virtual and in-person retreats include the writers who have been selected; nearly 20 mentors and guest speakers; and the founders plus TWL team members.
What happens at the retreat?
Writers, mentors, guests, the founders and team members gather for workshops, discussions, peer groups, story rooms, individual story presentations, screenings, keynotes, Q & As, panels, and, of course, one-on-ones. We also connect informally over meals, cocktail hours, walks, and exercise sessions. The Retreat is a very full four days.
What kind of production support does the Lab offer?
The Writers Lab is a screenplay development lab. We are not a producing lab, nor do we offer any kind of production funding. However, in addition to connecting participants with a peer group of driven and talented writers, the Retreat offers access to, and interaction with, a range of other film industry professionals.
If my script is good enough to be accepted why do I need to develop it further?
Any script accepted to our Lab will benefit from further development. That is the primary focus of The Writers Lab, and all selected writers should expect to revise their script with the support of experienced industry mentors. Beyond script development, the Lab offers recognition for your work as well as a unique chance to connect with a supportive community of peers and industry professionals.
Does the Lab offer any follow-up for writers beyond the Retreat?
The Writers Lab offers additional development support for writers in the months following the Lab, as well as a range of programs and resources for all Lab alumnae. When possible, we also plan follow-up networking events every year.
The Submissions & Selection Process
Who will be reading my script?
Our readers represent diversity of gender identification, age, race, and ethnicity. In the first TWO rounds, we have a team of trusted readers who have been trained to look for well-crafted stories that meet The Writers Lab mission. In the THIRD round, we invite industry professionals to read scripts and take notes. The Founders read alongside readers in all rounds.
- 95% identify as women
- Ages 21 – 70
- 40% identify as Non-white
- 100% are in media and/or entertainment: directors, writers, producers, actors
Reference, Interview, previous experience, sample script discussion, implicit bias meeting. Reader Mandate: Transparency of genre preferences, personal biases, time limitations.
How does the reading and selection process work?
In the first TWO rounds, we have a team of trusted readers who have been trained to look for well-crafted stories that meet The Writers Lab mission. We meet regularly to explain our mandate and mission; to discuss scripts; to answer questions. We use a buddy system so each writer can bounce thoughts and questions with a fellow reader. Each reader must complete a scoring section, answer a list of questions AND provide at least a few lines of commentary on each script. In the THIRD round, we invite industry professionals to read scripts and take notes. The founders read alongside readers in all rounds. All scripts are read blind. All readers are paid per script.
Round 1
Each script is assessed twice. Two readers are required to read and score the script across several assessments and then provide brief top-line notes. Any script that receives at least one positive recommendation moves to …
Round 2
A Round 2 reader must answer a slightly more detailed list of assessment questions, and provide notes. If the reader scores high on all the questions, the script moves on to…
Round 3
Scripts that have reached this level are read by professional jurors, a team of about a dozen allies (eg. managers, producers, execs.) This script group comprises a few hundred features and pilots that have been and continue to be assessed and discussed.
Round 4
The top 45 to 60 scripts from Round 3 are read again or discussed by founders, and reader notes are carefully reviewed. To select our final cohort of 12, we assess the excellence of the script alongside diversity of race, ethnicity, genre, format, age, residence, and short personal statements in the application.
What are some of the questions readers must answer?
Readers are instructed to look for a strong grasp of screencraft as well as diverse voices, POVs, genres, stories and characters. Below is a sampling of the questions our readers must answer:
- Craft / Formatting: Is this a complete feature or pilot (1-hr OR half-hour)? Does the writer know basic screen craft? Does the script show standard formatting (slug lines, character introductions, indented dialogue, proofed for typos, etc)?
- Cinematic Storytelling: Is the writing VISUAL? Does the writer clearly establish the world, characters and action?
- Characters / Representation: Are the characters diverse (eg. gender, race, ethnicity, ability, POV)? Are they authentically and fully developed with individual voices, appropriate arcs and journeys?
When and How are writers notified?
The Writers Lab has THREE notification dates.
On July 1 we email TWO groups: writers whose scripts are NOT moving on and writers whose scripts are moving on as Quarterfinalists.
On July 15 we email TWO groups: writers whose journey ends at Quarterfinalist and writers whose scripts are moving on to the Final Selection round.
By August 1 we email and announce TWO groups: Semifinalists and Participants.
What are a few script submission statistics?
Scripts submitted are predominantly in the following genres: Drama, Coming of Age, Historical, with strong numbers in Sci Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Comedy and Romcom. We intentionally maintain genre proportions at higher levels of the competition to ensure an inclusive variety of stories.
We strive for over 30% diversity of race, ethnicity, ability, POV and other demographics at each level of selections.
The Writers Lab explicitly invites applicants to choose how they wish to identify themselves in terms of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and ability. These application identifiers are consulted at each round of selection to ensure that diversity remains proportional to submissions. Because The Writers Lab serves women and non-binary writers over 40, applicants must identify as women or non-binary. We honor the fact that gender is personal and specific and seek to create an inclusive and supportive community.
Top Reason Your Script Was Not Selected
Weak protagonist engine and arc
Clearly establish your protagonist’s need and obstacles, and make sure you carry through the arc of her story, all the way to some sort of resolution.
Poor or confusing world-building
World needs to be clearly, economically, and cinematically established (especially in genre scripts).
Poor or confusing story set-up
Choose a main story and set it up clearly for your audience. Many scripts take on too much and lose their way.
Script is overwritten
Most film stories can be told in well under 120 pages. Every line or sentence should add to the story, not repeat or distract. Cut what you can, and keep your story moving.
Excessive and/or ineffective dialogue
Ask yourself: Is that line essential? Is it stating subtext or exposition that can be SHOWN? Does it successfully build conflict? Does it reveal character through wit and/or texture?
Ineffective description
Have you written too little? (Set your scenes! Introduce your characters! Include important visual details!) OR, do you have way too much? (Don’t describe characters’ feelings, camera shots, or back story.) And, break up blocks of description into easily digestible bites.
Concept is overdone or lacks relevance.
Old or new, your story must stand out, with new insights into universal themes or compelling characters or perspectives. At the same time, know your cliches and tropes, and when to use or lose them.
Uncinematic storytelling
Make sure your story effectively uses the visual and auditory aspects of storytelling for the screen. (Note: use music references with care; referencing unlicensed songs can reveal lack of screenwriting savvy. Suggest only, i.e. “She sings something like [song name]…”)
Poor or clichéd gender representation
TWL doesn’t require a woman protagonist, but we definitely notice scripts that pass the Bechdel test, and wince when female characters are introduced solely as “gorgeous/hot/pretty/curvy.” This applies to gender across the spectrum. TWL isn’t interested in gender clichés, tokenism or stereotypes. We champion complex and compelling characters, and stories that provide an authentic experience and point of view.
Typos, spelling and/or formatting errors
Proofread, proofread, proofread. It matters.
Data Use and Privacy Policy
What is The Writers Lab’s U.S. data use and privacy policy?
Our Policy
We collect information from you when you submit to our programs (including through third-party platforms), fill out a form on our website, or contact us through other digital means. As appropriate, you may be asked to enter information including, but not limited to, your name, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information and demographic information.
Information Use
Any information we collect from you may be used in the following ways:
- To personalize your experience.
- To provide newsletters and updates about our programs and organization.
- To improve our website, offerings, customer service, and features.
- To process transactions.
- To administer a contest, promotion, survey, or other feature.
- To send e-mail from sponsors, advertisers, or other 3rd party promotions that we feel may be relevant to you and our audience.
Removing Your Information
If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future e-mails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each e-mail. Furthermore, if you’d like us to delete any information you’ve provided, please e-mail with the specifics of what information you’d like to have deleted.
Security of Your Information
The hosting facilities for our website are situated in the United Kingdom and the United States. The competent data protection authorities have made an “adequacy decision” with respect to the data protection laws of each of these countries. Submission of personal data acknowledges that the Internet is not a secure medium and information submitted online, including via our website and ancillary platforms, may be accessed by third parties without our knowledge or consent, despite our best efforts and commitment to privacy and security.
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We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in processing submissions and/or operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety.
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Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer links to third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
Our programs do not address anyone under 18 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 18 years old or older. If you are a parent or guardian and are aware that your child has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us at
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This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.
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By using our site, you consent to our online privacy policy.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page, and/or update the Privacy Policy modification date.
Our Detail
This website is owned and operated by New York Women In Film & Television. We are registered in the United States (New York, NY), and our principal place of business is virtual. You can contact us:
- Using our website contact form;
- By telephone, on the contact number published on our website; or
- By email, using at